     Recently there was a post from Craig Hopkins asking to be
removed from the FML, and saying that the Houston Area Ferret
Association had dissolved.  The Ferret Lovers Club of Texas would
like everyone to know that they are honoring the memberships of former
HAFA members.  There is a Houston area contact for the FLC (Ferret
Lovers Club)-- her name is Cynthia Hill, and she may be reached at
(713)-869-5956.  At this time any mail needing to reach the Houston
branch of the FLC may be mailed to the main branch P.O. Box so that
it may be forwarded to Houston.  The FLC main address is:
    P.O. Box 286
    Bedford, TX  76095
Any former HAFA member that would like to join FLC may contact either
Cynthia Hill in Houston or Karen Grant (president) in Ft. Worth through
the address and phone numbers listed here.
             Debra Thomason
             Member FLC, Ft. Worth, TX
[Posted in FML issue 0759]