Mako passes ultimit test.  Took Mako, Sebastian, Sue and Sean
(her two year old son) to the park Sunday.  There were tomany kids between
2-6 there so I couldn't let Sebastian out.  He tends to nip from time to
time, and you all know what can lead to. :(
        Well I put Mako down so Sean could play with him.  Boy I hope I
wasn't like him when I was two.  Poor Mako got stepped on, squeezed, a big
wet baby drool kiss and he never even flinched.  After his five minute torture
test I placed him in the safety of my shirt and went to the playground. You
would not believe how both parents and kids alike looked at me. It was as if
I had three heads.  Mako was taking a nap so my stomach just had a big lump
in it. while walking past a picnic table I said "Sue when are you going to
learn how to cook. My stomack is killing me."  I guess I desirved the slight
slap I got but it was worth it. :)
        Mako woke up alittle later and I let a few kids pat him.  Got the
usual questions. Is that a rat ect.......  All in all a good time was had
by one and all.  Except poor Sabastian, who was banished to the car.
        With spring and summer coming up.  Remember ferrets can't last in hot
cars.  I believe the temps are 80-85 can be dangerous, 85 and over can and
most likely will kill your ferret.  Sunday was not hot and a cool breeze was
coming off the ocean. That is the only reason I left Sebastian in the car.
If there wasn't such a cool breeze I would have went home.
        Hope you all have a good week.
        Brad, Sebastian, and Mako.
[Posted in FML issue 0758]