[forwarded at the request of Perry Gosnell, Editor, AMERICAN
FERRET REPORT. Reply-to address at the end]
I was asked to address some statements made by Ann Davis on this
service (the first week of February) about the American Ferret
Association (AFA) and the American Ferret Report (AFR).  Therefore,
let me start by saying that the AFA is a non-profit organization
recognized by the IRS under 501 (c)(3) status.  It is also AFA
policy to be able to substantiate any claims made by the AFA.
Therefore, speaking as a representative for the AFA and AFR editor,
the follow statements are true and verifiable.
Some of the statements made by Ms. Davis may lead readers to
believe the AFA receives funding from United Vaccines.  United
Vaccines pays the AFA for ad space.  However, I would not consider
this "funding" anymore than I would a member's membership dues as
funding.  In 1993 United Vaccines' AFR ad space accounted for less
than 5% of the total cost to produce the newsletter.
Ms. Davis also stated the AFA "is scarcely an objective source
about the suitability of FERVAC-D."  This was apparently in
reference to a press release received from United Vaccines and
printed in AFR.  However, AFR printed a disclaimer before the
article stating that United Vaccines was "solely responsible for
the facts and opinions expressed therein."  The AFA and AFR made no
comments about the suitability of FERVAC-D in that issue.
Lastly, Ms. Davis  stated the "AFA relies heavily for funding on
the proceeds of product endorsements."  Understandably, Ms. Davis
probably did not mean "product endorsement" in the legal sense.
The AFA does not "endorse" any product.  However, Ms. Davis most
likely meant product approval or recommendation, which the AFA
does.  However, neither the AFA or the AFR receive any payment for
approving or recommending any product.  The AFA recommends certain
products after testing if we feel they are quality products.  The
AFA sells some of these products for the same reason.  What
products we do sell represent only a small source of our total
For example; as a distributer of Totally Ferret ferret food (the
newsletter was a misprint when stating the AFA was exclusive
distributor), AFA's profit is so minimal it will barely cover the
cost of distribution.  However, we are not selling Totally Ferret
to make a large profit.  We both recommend and sell the food
because of the one to two years we have spent helping to research
and develop the much needed food and we feel it is a quality
If any readers of this forum have any further questions about the
AFA, AFR or AFA recommended products, please write to us at P.O.
Box 3986, Frederick, MD 21705-3986. Thank you.
-Perry A. Gosnell
AFR Editor-In-Chief
[end of forwarded message]
[Posted in FML issue 0758]