Snix has been getting into my bottom drawer (I keep jeans in there, and
he doesn't do them any harm...) well- he used to sleep in there, it had
_all_ his socks that he has stolen, his film cannister with pennies
inside, his squeak toy- everything of his was in there.  I had to dig
to find the jeans!  the only problem with all of this is that now he
has decided that behind the drawer is best.  He has all the toys behind
the drawer and sleeps back there.  Now I can't shut my drawer due to
the sheer number of toys back there!  <sigh>  what a weasel!
About getting a second fuzzy for a only child to play with.  I looked
into this as I plan to add to my little family in June. (after I move
from where I live now)  People told me that sex didn't matter, the only
thing to keep in mind is that males are bigger than females....  A good
way to introduce them is to let them sniff each other, put their cages
next to each other....  If they fight, put bitter apple on their necks
and something strong smelling on their noses.  This way, to do any
damage would taste bad, and as far as they are concerned, they smell
the same.  Generally, from the stories I have heard, they are thrilled
to have a partner in crime!  :>
[Posted in FML issue 0757]