My two ferrets and I share a room. They are free to run,
jump, hop, and pounce everything while I am home with
them. I spend most of my time at home because I only
have classes three days a week and they are finished by
noon.  Yesterday when I got home from school, I let the
fuzzies out and plopped my self in bed. I was extremely
tired because I was up late finishing a paper. I awoke
after a three hour nap and was wondering why "they" let
me sleep so long. Usually they end up falling asleep on my
chest or laying across my neck. So I get up and look in
their cage-<not there>, look behind the toilet-<not
there>, look in my files-<not there>, look in my dirty
laundry in my closet-<not there>.... I looked in  all of
their favorite spots to hang out.  I even squeaked their
squeaky toys, and didn't hear the faintest jingle of the
bells on their collars. I was starting to panic, where
could they be? My room is only so big, with only so many
places to hide - Right?  At this point I had the ferret's
"daddy" helping my search. He finally found them. I have
three huge moving boxes in my closet that are piled on
top of each other. Some how they managed to get into the
middle box.  Inside this middle box is computer
equipment that is packed for shipping. They were
sleeping inside the box, somehow they squirmed their way into
 the printer.  They were yawning, stretching, and
looking at me like "So...did you have a nice nap too?" .
Man, talk about a good hiding place!
Sorry if this story was too long, but I just kept writing,
and writing, and writing.
Michelle and Adrian
Kina and Kobe
Geographical Info:  We live in Maryland about eight miles
from the DC border. Adrian and I both go to the University
of Maryland.
[Posted in FML issue 0754]