I'm bringing a 7-week-old sable male home this Saturday, and in all my
excitement I've missed one important ferret-proofing area: my desk drawers.
The desk is right next to the cage; there was no place else to put either
of them.  Since my fuzzy is going to live right next to the desk, both
when he's in and outside of the cage, it'll only be a matter of time
before he sees me open the drawers and gets curious.
There is a good deal of stuff in both drawers that I have no place else to
put and could be hazardous to a ferret--some of it's sharp, and there are
a number of things he shouldn't get his little teeth onto.  Does anybody
have any suggestions, short of externally mounted hardware, for keeping
him out of the drawers?  The drawers are in a rolling unit that slides
underneath the desk; kind of like this:
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 w       w
("w) indicates a castor/wheel)
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Chris von Seggern
Bellingham, WA
[Posted in FML issue 0753]