I have an 3 yr old male albino ferret who has lost quite a bit of hair off of
tail. The problem started a little over a year ago.  After taking him to a
of veternarians and using creams, shampoos, etc., the problem persists.
some some hair seems to grow back, the tail is still not a pretty sight.  Not
is the hair extremely thin, but the tail appears very dirty looking (small red
may be found all over it).
One student at out local vet school suggested that the problem may be linked to
Willy's adrenal gland, and if he didn't seem so eager to cut my ferret up, I may
have listened to him.  Has anybody gone through a similar experience?  Any input
would be much appreciated.  Please e-mail me: [log in to unmask]
Thanks in advance,
Jeff White
[Posted in FML issue 0751]