It is currently LEGAL to own ferrets in Georgia.  They must be spayed/
neutered by 7 months of age and be vaccinated against rabies with an
approved vaccine (ie: Imrab-3).  While it is illegal to sell ferrets in
Georgia there are allowances for private transfer of ferrets such as
to family or friends.  There is currently a bill in the House (HB1541),
which among other things, will make it legal to sell ferrets to the
general public if it passes both the House and Senate.
Anyone wishing to contact the Georgia Domestic Ferret Association can do so
by writing to:
Georgia Domestic Ferret Association
Jan M. Lovell - Secretary
6326 Lively Way
Cumming, GA  30130
or call me (Jan) at 404-442-5917
[Posted in FML issue 0741]