The FML distribution seems to have settled down, so I finally
revised the FAQ, incorporating additions and comments from
several people.  Most of the corrections are due to Dr. Williams'
generous donation of time to look the whole thing over.
Eleven subsections were revised, but since the changes to the
parts that've already been sent to the FML weren't large,
I'm just continuing with part 5.  If you'd like to see all
the changes, just let me know and I'll send you a copy.
As always, suggestions are welcome.
Anybody who'd like to put the FAQ on a bulletin board, in
a newsletter, in a vet's office or pet store, and so forth
is welcome to do so with Version 1.1.  Please don't distribute
previous versions, and please be sure to include all the
credits and disclaimers. :-)
- Pam
Pixxel "ferret 'terrible twos' happen around eight months, right?"
Rusty "if I sit on Pixxel will I get a treat for keeping her out of trouble?"
[Posted in FML issue 0715]