My boyfriend and I were once given a ferret, Ferris, who had broken
all of her fangs as a baby.  At three months, she had apparantely
taken a headder off a loft and come down fangs first.  She was fine,
her teeth weren't.  The owners didn't take her to the vet for dental
work so by the time we got her (a few years later) her teeth were all
rotten and she couldn't eat well.  The story has a happy ending
though...we couldn't keep her since she didn't get along with our
unneutered male, Grendel, and we gave her to a friend, who's father
happened to be a vet that had treated many ferrets, she had all of
her dental work done (three fangs pulled, the other one repaired) and
now she's very happy and healthy.
Also, Grendel has a chipped fang (the end bit is broken right
off...looks like it would have been cosmetic, but since the pulp in a
ferret's tooth extends so far down, it was actually a problem).  We
have no idea how he did it (perhaps falling off a counter?).  Anyway,
he had it repaired right away and so he fine now.  But there's
another case of a ferret with a broken tooth for you.
[Posted in FML issue 0741]