(I would like the following to be posted in the FML if possible)
As the soon-to-be proud pet human of a 6-week-old male carpet shark, I am
frantically engaged in ferret-proofing, procuring ferret care supplies,
etc.  I am wondering, however, about part of the living facilities I am
setting up.
I have a large, three-level cage with ramps connecting all the levels.
The cage floors are 1-inch wire mesh, so I have scrounged a bunch of
carpet scraps to provide a decent floor.  The pieces, however, have a
bunch of fibers fraying at some of the edges, and I'm worried about the
ferret ingesting some of these and possibly coming up with an intestinal
blockage.  Any veteran ferret owners out there have any advice on this one?
Chris von Seggern
[Posted in FML issue 0740]