Hi FML'ers-
I have an opportunity to move to Mexico (Guadalajara, in particular)
for a year on business and will only do it if I can bring carpet
sharks with me.
So far I have called:  the Seattle consulate, the Arizona consulate,
the 1-800 be a tourist at Mexico number, the MOTG (or something), the
Department of Agriculture in Mexico City, the Department of Tourism
in Mexico City and a few dozen other numbers.  (I've gotten a lot of
"You want to bring your parrots with you?")  Almost everyone's been
extremely unhelpful (sometimes bordering on nasty).  So far the
recommended way of finding out is to send a letter to the Mexican
Department of Health and wait until they write back (and it sounded
like a _long_ wait!).
But no one can tell me if I can actually get them in and get them
Anyone have any information on this?
I actually need this info fast since the decision to move must be
made by the middle of next week and I won't go if they can't go too.
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[Posted in FML issue 0738]