Well, hello everyone!
I just wanted to pass on my ferrets behavior of late. During his little bath
session he likes to lay on his back, in the sink with me supporting his head
above the water. He stays calm and quiet during the entire time. He loves co
uses EVERYTHING to dry himself off on. For example he went up to my dog at home
 who he gets along with in a big way. (they play tag) Well anyway he likes to
go up to my sleeping dog and tuck himself under his throat and rub himself dry,
sort of reminds me of a cuddly relationship.
Oh, about Chewies little escapade, I took Chew out into the snow, at first I
was worried about him being to cold, but I was wrong, he burrowed, danced, ju
jumped, attacked branches, and played with about twenty people, usually he is
shy, but wow, what a laugh he was. Since then I have taken him to small parties
and gatherings at my school, where he has been the life of the party. He seems
more human then animal, does anyone elses ferrets like to party?
Bernard and Chewie
[Posted in FML issue 0738]