I have begun to make inquiries about the laws in my state re ferrets and
rabies.  I realize that accomplishing something is quite a task and may not
be possible in the long run but in the meantime I 'm trying.  A
veterinarian contact sent me the following info which I thought might be of
interest to members of the FML: judy
"I happened to check the 1994 Compendium on Rabies Control published
by the Am. Assn. of Public Health Veterinarians after our conversation.
In contrast to previous versions, this one does not recommend euthanasia
of vaccinated ferrets involved in human bite cases.  This is considered
the authoritative summary of standards to be followed in rabies control
programs, but getting it incorporated into all state and local
rules will likely take awhile."
Judith K. Manning, Ph.D
Dep't. Medical Microbiology and Immunology
1300 University Ave.
Madison, WI 53706
[Posted in FML issue 0736]