Well everyone, Nook birthed around 12 kits between 2 am and 12 pm today,
Feb.20.  We came home this morning from being out with friends and found
two half eaten babies along with 4 others which were in her litter box.
She was all alone, so it was her who ate them.  We then got all the
babies and put them with her and tried to warm them up a little.  While
we were there she had 3 more kits.
This morning when we found her, there was afterbirth so we figured she had
had about four more.  She was sleeping on the opposite side of the
crying kits, and when I went to put them close to her, I found only
four.   One of the four has a bitten off leg, one has a bitten off tail
and  foot, one has a bite in the neck, and one is fine.  She won't let
them  eat or anything, and she wants to eat them too, it seems.
We tried to call Dr. Williams, however, it is Sunday and he isn't in.
The  man who answered the phone obviously did not appreciate us trying to get
ahold of Dr. Williams on a Sunday, and even after we told him our story
he  suggested we try tomorrow.  Tomorrow will probably be too late.
We don't know what to do, and we have tried every vet in the twin cites here,
Fargo Moorhead, and all the surrounding towns.  That amounts to close to 20,
we have tried them all before also and none are experienced with ferrets, but
what the heck, they have to know more than we do about this situation, so we
tried every dang number and got all recordings.  We did get an emergency
location of one and tried that but no one was there.
Basically what it  comes down to is we are clueless and have tried our
options but nothing is helping.  We even went as far as to call Rita McDowell,
I read that they had their furries since they were 3 days old, I thought she
might know something, but there was no answer.
We went to every single pet store to find some kind of nursing product and
have come up with some kitten milk and a couple bottles too big for the
little tiny babies mouths.  To top all of this off, our e mail has not been
working for a couple days and we have received no incoming and not been able
to go out, so if this even reaches you all, it will be the first thing that
has gone right all day.
I am sad and I feel so sorry for those little starving, cold babies.  I don't
know what to do.  Pray for us please.
Tarra Lindborg, Matt Hartl, all our furries, mama bear and all the little
        ones here and in heaven.
[Posted in FML issue 0735]