Gail - about your fuzzies having recent litter box mishaps...
I was so proud when mine were scoring 100% in that category and everyone else
said theirs had the occasional problem. Then, mine caught on. They started
to like other places too. I've noticed that they go through stages. Sometimes
they are perfect and sometimes not- though the cleanliness and location of
their box never changes. I'm learning to deal with this and have gotten in a
habit of praising them with words, kisses, and sometimes treats when they do
well and be scolding them with words and sometimes exile (temporarily) the
cage when it becomes a real problem.
Also I have 2 fuzzies (and 2 boxes - 1 in the cage, 1 out) and often when they
have their little mishaps it seems they won't use the same box. So if it's
too difficult to get to _their_ box then the floor it is.
                                        Angi Brandy & Blaze
[Posted in FML issue 0735]