I hope that my stance doesn't make any enemies on the FML, but I was very
pleased to see that the lab animal community has access to this list.  I
support animal research that benefits humans or animals, although I do cringe
every time that I read studies on ferrets that involve "destroying" them at the
end of the project.  In addition to my 5 ferrets, I have mice, rats, and other
lab-designed animals that I care deeply about, but to me they have special
value *only because a human cares about them* [I suppose this is where the
flames start].  As far as unnamed, indistinguishable animals go, I feel that
lab research is no worse than setting sticky mouse traps, feeding pet snakes,
applying pesticides, euthanizing un_wanted_ animals, or destroying nesting
grounds for birds.  All have the same end result, but at least lab research and
snake-feeding have the potential of real benefit to the killer.  This is not to
say that I advocate cutting the paws off of live rabbits before feeding them to
snakes or putting lab animals through unnecessary pain.
     I think that LABBS and the FML can benefit from each others' experience
and observations, and it would be wasteful and counterproductive to deny them
access.  Of course, it would be different if  it were some health department
trying to confiscate ferrets, but I really don't think that the lab animal
community wants to hurt our ferrets.
--Laura McDonald & the furry & spiny crew
[Posted in FML issue 0732]