Hi, myself and my feance' have both written in already, but I just
wanted to introduce our family. My name is Matt Hartl both Tarra
(Lindborg for now) Go to the University of North Dakota in Fargo. We have
had ferrets in our past but didn't get started with them as a couple
untell last spring when we bought our first pair. They are a butterscotch
male and female named Kodiak and Peanut. Later that summer we got a pair
of red-eyed whites named Kit and Beauty. After that we adopted a three
year old named Aussie that Tarra has written about. We got her from
Tarra's sister after she couldn't have her in her apartment any more.
Then we got Quincy, she is about three And lived all of that in an
aquarium. Some people wanted to get rid of her, so some friends got a hold
of us. Then came Martin (Marty for short), He is the one I write about
that was so mean. Oh, yes and we are taking care of Tarra's brother's,
Nook. She mated with our Kodiak in Jan.. The only ones we have fixed
are Aussie, Quincy and Marty, the rest are all natural and all due in the
next month.
from Matt, Tarra and all our kids
[Posted in FML issue 0731]