To Mark O concerning ivermectin:
  You said:  I checked the label, it says: "Each tablet contains 68 mcg of
ivermectin."  To date, as I mentioned in a previous message, I ground 1 pill
down as close as I can to powder, add a few drops of Ferretone and try to let
each (two) ferret lick a half portion.  Obviously they're not getting
exact portions but I haven't been able to come up with a better method
yet. I'm open to suggestions on this.  Should they each get a whole
pill to get maximum effect or is half good enough to do the trick.
My reply:  While the best dosage for ferrets seems to be 3 mcg/lb, your ferrets
are getting an acceptable dosage of 10mcg/lb (which Dr. Kemmerer, who explained
the whole situation to me prescribes for the ferrets in her practice with no ill
effects.  The way you are dosing (given that their may be a bit of leeway with
the exact amount the ferrets get), most likely is sufficienct for this task.
  You said: Obviously, mosquitoes are not a factor at the present time. Do they
need to be given heartworm medicine year-round.  Again, we're talking New
Hampshire ("Watch out where the huskies go and don't you eat that yellow snow!")
and I'm sure our quota of mosquitoes have "Snow birded" off to Florida to bask
in the rays and plan their return trip for the Spring/Summer.
My reply:  Technically, no, but as it is only once a month, and doesn't seem to
be extremely time-intensive, and you won't know exactly when the mosquitoes will
return, then it certainly won't hurt.  Some vets recommend two months prior to
their return, and one month after they have gone south (or more likely, died),
but I've always had trouble figuring out the proper time.
To the LABBS (Lab Animal BBS, a division of the American Association of
Laboratory Animal Sciences):
        So you are echoing this mail list now.  I'm not comfortable with this,
or with your mission --
[They're what!!??  While I've obviously forgotten to include the redistribution
policy in the FAQ, I do expect BBSs and other services that are going to
redistribute the FAQ to at least inform me that they're doing so.  My
list doesn't show anything with "labbs" or similar.  Would someone from labbs
care to comment?  CRL]
        >The AALAS Mission:
   >The Association is dedicated to advancing and disseminating
   >knowledge about the responsible care and use of laboratory
   >animals for the benefit of human and animal health.
        Responsible care, YES.  Use, NO.
        I speak for myself here, not for the members of the FML, who I hope will
also contribute their opinions.  Ferrets live in my home.  I spend a lot of time
caring for them, and working with people who also care for them.  I do not do
research on ferrets, nor do I intentionally cause harm to them, even with the
best of intentions.
        To "use" animals is foreign to me, and I cannot welcome your presence
here. I will not sanction the use of ferrets (nor other animals) for the purpose
of research. I am aware that laboratory animal veterinarians have eased the
plight of research animals in past years, but only after concerned citizens have
brought it to the fore.  You are part of a scientific field for which I have no
        I know lab animal vets, even the LABBS Sysop who graciously posted this
note.  While I may like them as people, I do not and will never agree with their
views on the proper "use" of animals.
        Once again, I may find myself in controversy.  But the FML has been a
place for people who love their animals, not who "use" them.
Bruce Williams, DVM
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(202) 576-2453/2454
[Posted in FML issue 0731]