You may remember that I have a healthy but aging (almost 7) silver furry named
Silk. He's been an only ook since our other ferret died 2 years ago, and he
seems happier that way (Fitte beat up on him quite a bit, especially after he
got sick, but he was always rather nasty tempered). Now we may be fostering a
ferret for a friend who lives in Minneapolis and has a nosey landlady. The
friend who has her now says 4 ferrets are getting to be a bit much. Ambrosia is
generally very sweet tempered and is quite small (even smaller than Silk), but
is also rather domineering around other ferrets. How should I work this? Both
ferrets now get free run when their people are home. I don't want to reduce
Ambrosia's quality of life, but keeping Silk happy is my #1 concern. 'Brosia is
about 3 years old.
Also, does anyone know of a farm called "The Ferret Factory" in Oklahoma? It's
where Silk was bred, and he's a pretty, healthy, and exceedingly well mannered
little guy with all the amusing antics and zest for life you've come to expect
from Ferrets*. However, a sample of 1 isn't exactly scientific. Are all their
kits so high quality? This was quite awhile ago, so I don't even know if they're
still around.
Wendy Hudson  [log in to unmask]
The clan: Lloyd (husband)
          Maggie (english springer spaniel)
          Friday and Marcus (cats)
          Silk (ferret)
          Fletcher (bird)
[Posted in FML issue 0729]