Let me introduce myself since I am new to FML and love it. My name is Donna
Austin and I live in Annapolis, MD, with Warlock, Dakota TBear, Tawnee Sioux,
Misti Sioux and Chuckie ferrets and Paulie and Freckles kitties and 8 fish.
As I was reading the last few issues of FML I thought I had missed getting an
issue and started to panic. Then I discovered it was there after all. I was
much relieved.
I am really glad to see Dr. Bruce Williams is the FML vet. He did stool
sample checks of a couple of mine when I was having green diarrhea virus
problems and was most helpful, knowledgeable and kind.
To Dr. Williams:
I am having Tawnee spayed in a couple of weeks. She will then be 6 mo. old. I
want to know if it is recommended that I get her descented at the same time.
I am against the descenting since it is not necessary like the spaying.  Is
there is a medical reason why she should be descented? Just a note - Warlock
is now finally doing great after having been so sick last October. His fur
looks good and he has actually gained a couple of ounces over his normal
weight before the sickness. He is having a terrific time playing with new
furry friends adopted over the last few months (5 ferrets now).
Re Shoes:
My fuzzies like all shoes, boots, slippers, etc., especially the inner soles.
They got in a pair of my knee high boots and dug out the inner soles and have
managed to do that to any pair of shoes they can get their paws on. A friend
came over one day and left a pair of snow boots beside the front door. When
he went to leave, he notice the inner sole of his boot was laying on the
floor. I tried to keep from laughing because this is just one cute little
trick that the fuzzies do. My friend was not laughing. P.S. We're still
Re Food:
I have always fed Science Diet, but it does contain Ethoxyquin as does most
of the pet foods. I heard that Ethoxyquin was not good for ferrets and
recently discovered a natural food called ANF TAMI that I have been mixing
with the S.D. When the S.D. is gone, I am just going to feed them the ANF.
Re Plants:
The only thing I have found to keep the furries out of plants is to move the
plants up high. I had one very large (lots of dirt) plant I had moved on my
desk but Koti managed to find a way to get on the desk twice (I should have
moved that plant the first time) and dig dirt everywhere - on my computer,
etc. I'll never get all the dirt out of the Rolodex card file.
[Posted in FML issue 0728]