> But, the neat thing is they have two little metal like things
> flush on the egg and if you touch them both at the same time the egg lights
> up and chirps! Can you just see an unsuspecting fuzzy stealing off with
> something that chirped back at it!! LOL  I do want to look at them again
> though and make sure they look "chew proof" with those tabs on them.
> Does anyone's fuzzies have particular likings to noises like that?
>                                         Angi Brandy & Blaze
For some reason, Pixxel absolutely adores one particular squeaky toy.  She
never showed a whole lot of interest in the first one we got her, but she
goes wild for this one.  She can be sleeping two rooms away, and if we take
the thing out of its home under the chair and start to squeak it (it's too
heavy for her to squeak herself) she'll wake up (!) and come galloping in.
It's also very funny to watch her carry it away, since it's a wreath about
five inches across and too thick for her to take in her mouth.
The chirpy egg sounds like a great toy, if it's safe for them!
- Pam, Pixxel and Rusty
[Posted in FML issue 0716]