Re Mark Oullette's ferrets' response to the family music...
        I have the same phenomenon.  I play several instruments, and Rikki
and Winston (Rikki more so) restore one's faith in the Pied Piper of Hamlin
        When we first got Rikki a year and a half ago, she first heard
guitar and, being a tiny thing, crawled inside while I was playing it,
slipping beneath the strings and inside.  I have pictures of her sticking
her head out.  I had to take the strings off to get her out.  But her
favorite (or least favorite: I'm never sure what the behaviour indicates)
instruments are the harmonica and the tin whistle.  She goes ballistic,
trying to crawl up my arms to the source of the sound, but I can't tell
whether she wants to "turn it off" or just enjoy it more fully.  She likes
classical more than jazz, but blues is what sets her going.
        Dr. Williams, or anybody, is my ferret insane?  Well, I mean,
obviously my ferret is insane, but I mean does this mean that my ferret is
slightly more insane than ferrets generally?
From: [log in to unmask]
Date:   Wed, 9 Feb 1994 15:31:11 -0500
Subject: cost of vet care... continued; imrab
Dear Lenny,  Careful, with your namesakes' fangs, please!  A veterinary exam
isn't just giving sticks (to quote).  There's also the incredibly important full
exam (heart, eyes, lungs, liver, spleen, nodes, genitalia, parasites, teeth,
etc.) which is essential to your critter's health, as well as blood tests for
older animals and those about whom there are questions, tests here and there of
other ferret products, rx support, and so on.  Just as we always learn from
Bruce's postings we also always learn from our vet (and we already have
extensive animal experience including around a dozen years with ferrets).  I
know that people differ in how they feel about non-human animals.  We took
strong flak from some relatives (who should have kept their opinions about our
personal emotions and our priorities with our own hard-saved money to themselves
since they are totally out of the loop -- most have always been, and my dad
hasn't had to support me in a quarter century plus).  They felt that it was
wrong for us to put over $1,500 into Fritter's cancer care and about $2,500 into
Hjalmar's, but we figure that a family member of whatever number of feet brings
with it a responsibility to do our best for it.  With our own guys that includes
regular full exams and other health care as needed.  It's still an incredible
bargain compared to the human health care we've recently encountered  --  and
just think of all the species (not to mention genera, families, orders, classes
...) that they must be conversant within.
About rabies shedding studies:  yes, IMRAB is a proven, approved, effective
vaccine but that is only part of the picture.  As you know, vaccinated cats and
dogs which have had possible exposure to rabies are kept in quarantine for a
while.   This is done to provide health care for the bites which may exist, to
keep others away from any rabies the victim may shed until the vaccine does its
stuff, and to protect against the occasional animal for whom the vaccine does
not work.  That is why shedding studies must be done and once done results must
be made widely available to our governmental offices (Ann Davis recently
educated me about some states which remained ignorant of shedding studies in
cats for 40 years after they had been done, just as some states still don't know
about the IMRAB approval for ferrets.).  Once shedding studies have been done
then the length of needed quarantine will be known; until they are done states
are correct -- sad but unfortunately true -- in stating that it is not possible
for them to determine when a ferret will be safe.   The McDowells did not
dispute this, by the way, what they did was offer to quarantine Long Tail until
proof of an injury and proof that the state's representative was who he claimed
to be were provided.  The last I was told proof of injury has still never been
What can you do to protect your own ferrets and others which may wind-up in Long
Tail's position?  You can see to it that shedding studies are done.  Robert
Hilsenroth has recently let me know that Morris Animal Foundation's Ferret
Rabies Shedding Study Fund is up to $9,146.97 as of 1/27/94.  Most of the
proposals submitted for such studies to date are in the $60k to $70k range, but
one which comes up for peer review in June is approximately $17,000.   Ferret
owners and breeders need to get another $8,000 to them to make funding this
project a reality.  Frankly, if the project is well designed I don't give hoot
WHO is doing it since it will save ferrets and spare their owners much grief as
well as removing the strongest stumbling block for FFZs.  Sometimes one's worst
enemy can even become one's best benefactor given the opportunity.   Donations
should be marked as going specifically to ferret rabies shedding studies (Re
notes on checks themselves: ferret R. shedding studies WILL work if you mention
in your letter that R stand for rabies, should you not want to use the words
ferret and rabies in close association on a check itself).  Checks should go to:
Morris Animal Foundation, 45 Inverness Drive East, Englewood, CO 80112-5480.
Tel: 1-303-790-2345 or 1-800-243-2345 (for calling in donations or learning how
to organize a club or newsletter drive), or FAX 1-303-790-4066.
Does anyone out there have ideas, research (as in learning addresses of
contacts) info. etc. which can help me try to find a celeb spokesperson for this
drive or for the Morris Animal Foundation ferret funds?  Those I know of who
have owned ferrets or been seen with them are Arnold Schwartzennegger and Maria
Shriver, Loretta Swit, Dick Smothers, and David Carradine.  Should you prefer to
send such by phone or snail mail we are :  Crandall, 172 Jamestown Road, Basking
Ridge, N.J. 07920, Tel: 1-908-580-0506.  If only I had the skills of a reference
librarian ...  If you know said individuals themselves (or other(s) in this
category), please, have them contact the Morris Animal Foundation directly, and
just have someone let me know when there is time so I won't duplicate efforts.
BTW, our weasels also love certain sounds (esp banjos) and hate others (esp.
Andean pipes).  Meeteetse even has a thing for the voice of NPR's science
The information given here may be repeated to others if it is done in a factual,
legal, and honest manner.  After all, we all are in this to make life better for
All our best, Sukie, Steve, Meltdown, Ruffle, 'Chopper the ferret helicopter,
Spot, and Meeteetse of NPR fame
[Posted in FML issue 0724]