Dr. Williams, another question for you: Do all Ferrets have sensitive ears,
or is it just our two?  Why do I ask?  Well, whenever my oldest daughter
practices her recorder, both our slinkies stop dead in their tracks and
seek her out and try their best to climb up my daughter's legs to the
source of the sound!  Worse yet, last night I was playing my electric
guitar (not plugged into my amp), just fooling around with it while I
watched the news, and when I started playing some high single notes,
Farrah (Weasie was tucked away somewhere taking a snooze...) went nuts!
She started biting at my shirt sleeve around my wrists and then making
a chortling sound, and to top it off, urinated right there on the bedspread.
Of course this was my queue to put the guitar back on the stand, I picked
her up and she was still chortling, not as bad though, and shaking a little.
CAn you say "guilt trip"?
Are their ears known to be sensitive to high pitched sounds (like dogs) or
is my slinky a highly expressive music critic?
While I'm here, this goes out to anyone/everyone....
Our pair are like the Odd Couple.  Farrah is Felix Unger(sp?), EVERYTHING
(toys,food,our shoes,etc.) goes in one corner of our kitchen at the base-
boards of our cabinets.  She even lines things up!  Give her raisens, they
go into the corner for munching later, ditto any other food/treats. Now
Weasie, she drags anything/everything and stashes it anywhere the mood hits
her.  The funniest part is to see her hit Farrah's stash and drag one of her
cat toys ( we have a collection of those catnip filled stocking looking toys)
into the bedroom or livingroom and Farrah will be running right behind her
to pick it up and drag it BACK to her kitchen corner (with Weasie close behind)
and back and forth...  Finally, Farrah gets fed up with Weasie and lets her
take it to wherever she plans, then when Weasie has dropped it and run off
to other mischief, Farrah grabs her toy and BACK to her kitchen corner.
I know we're no the only ones with funny ferret follies, anyone else with
similar FWF's (Ferrets With Fetishes)?  I try to explain these tales to
non-ferret owner and basically get a polite "how cute" smile, they probably
think we're nuts and the ferrets just couldn't be that clever. I guess it's
one of those things where you have to own one or more and observe them in
action to appreciate it...
Well, before I ramble on even more, just like to say thanx again to Dr.
Williams for his help/advice past/present.  The heartworm medicine our
Vet gave us is/contains ivermectin.  Since we do live in an area with a
high concentration of mosquitoes (NH), I will continue to give it to them.
I usually split 1 tablet between the two of them though, do you think
that's a high enough concentration to be effective for both of them?
Happy Ferreting to all!!!
[Posted in FML issue 0723]