One of the questions I've seen here most often has been, "I live near
Anytown, and I'd like to (buy/adopt) a ferret.  Does anybody know of
a (breeder/shelter) near me?"  I know it's always nice to have a personal
recommendation (I was pleased with Path Valley Farms, in western PA :),
but for anyone who hasn't gotten a response:
Taken from the ferret FAQ (plug, plug :-)
7.1> How can I find a ferret breeder/contact/shelter in my area?
[begin PG]
An extensive list of ferret clubs, breeders, and organizations is
maintained by STAR*Ferrets and is available by email from a list
server.  Send email to
                   [log in to unmask]
with the line
in the body.  Note that the file is rather long, around 44K, which may
give some mailers problems.
- Pam
[log in to unmask]
where Pixxel and Rusty do half the typing, but they can't spell worth beans
[Posted in FML issue 0719]