> To my knowledge, the monthly preventative which is used in dogs
 > has never been testedon ferrets, so you're certainly taking a
 > big risk there.
Dr Williams -
I find this somewhat distressing.  Here in Miami, heartworm capitol that it is,
 Interceptor seems to be the heartworm preventative of choice for ferrets.
I don't have a package that lists the chemical makeup of this brand, but it's a
 monthly pill as you mentioned.  Perhaps you're familiar with it. Should I
 question my vet about this?  As a member of the Miami Ferret Club, I know lots
 of people with ferrets and they all use Interceptor and to the best of my
 knowledge, there has never been a case of heartworm in a Interceptor treated
 ferret.  Pure luck perhaps?
Anyway, I'm now worried.  I had a dog that got heartworm and it's not fun.
[Posted in FML issue 0719]