To Rochelle concerning switching form kitten to cat food as animals age -
        Although this study has never been done in ferrets, it is well known
that in older cats and rats with diminished renal capacity (a normal consequence
of aging in these species), decreased protein prolongs life and health.  On a
stressed kidney, high levels of protein enhances damage and aging changes.
        I see the same type of aging damage in ferret kidneys that I see in
cats.  For this reason, I have switched my ferrets over the age of 3-4 to cat
food.  We also supplement with baby food on occasion, but all of this combined
does not pack the "protein wallop" that the kitten foods do.  And remember, a
lot of digested protein will be changed by the body to carbohydrates and stored
against future energy demands (which older ferrets don't have as much need for.)
        As I said before, I cannot back this up with more than experience and
logic, but I have seen no adverse changes in my animals - Oscar is 7, Scampi is
6 and both going strong!!!
"Food for thought....."
Bruce Williams, DVM
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[Posted in FML issue 0710]