To Michelle and the new arrivals: Congratulations! I would love to
see newborn ferrets. What a wonderful experience it must be to
actually be there when they enter the world. Keep us posted on
the little furries health and what you decide to name them.
Are you keeping all three?
To Marc and Alien: What a name! I enjoyed your smuggling escapade.
Is it not strange what love will make us do? Something tips
me off that you are a rock climber. "Life is better steeper?"
It certainly takes some courage to climb a rock and to sneak
a ferret on a plane. I am so glad the venture was a success
and your wife loved Alien also.
To Art and Guy: I am so glad to hear Guy is recovering from his
surgery. It shows how much we love our ferrets when we
are willing to do anything we can for them to keep them
happy and healthy. Besides what is money for but to help
the ones we love that are in need?
To Debra Thomason: Thanks for the good news concerning the
McDowell's. It really brightened my day to know that the
situation is improving. I have sent several cards and
a monetary donation and I wish I could do more. I have
several Cheers and Boo's to pin on certain people and such:
Cheers: To Rita and Mike McDowell for standing up
        for ferrets and their rights.
   Boo: To the Judge for finding Rita in contempt of court.
Cheers: To Longtail the ferret wherever he might be. I hope
he is with someone who is taking care of him. Safe and secure.
Also to his brother George, who I hope is with his brother.
I know the McDowell's must miss them terribly.
Cheers: To the "victim" who obviously did not want all this
to come about. He subjected himself to the rabies shots.
I don't have much info on this but it seems he might have
done this to help the McDowell's case.
   Boo: To the State of Kansas to allow this to come to trial.
Kansas has a motto that states that it is the Land of Ahhs
after the Wizard of Oz. I vote it should be changed to
the Land of Ughs. Get with it Kansas and change the
legislation to accept ferrets as domestic animals!
You will be a better state for it.
                                  Judy and the fur brigade,
                                  Sable and Faucett.
[Posted in FML issue 0691]