>>>> Does anyone have any experience in trying to fly on commercial
airlines with a ferret as a "Pet in cabin"??
I can tell a funny story on how not to travel with a ferret.
I was in Los Vegas on business.  My wife and I had been
talking about getting a ferret but we were a little reluctant.
On the day I was set to leave to go back home I decided to
just look at the ferrets at a pet shop.  I dragged the guy I was
with over to the pet shop 1.5 hrs before we were scheduled
 to leave.
I fell in love with the little guys immediately.  I put my
 hand into the cage of ferrets and picked the one that bit
me first.  I figured that this would be a playful one.  I paid
for her (alien).  I then called the airline to see if pets were
allowed on board.  They were not.
Faced with a problem I decided that the best solution
was to charge right through.  We went to the airport,
returned the rental car and made our way to the gate.
In the rental car company's van I put alien into my
jacket because she had fallen asleep.
We walked to the gate to see if we could get a seat, we
were flying standby.  As the agent at the gate was checking
the seat count alien woke up.  She started crawling around
my jacket.  I had it on.  As she was doing this I was doing a
little dance when the agent was looking and trying to stand
still when he was looking.
We were able to get a seat but we were the last ones on
the plane.  I did a dance down the isle as I walked to the
seat.  I had been keeping alien in the jacket the whole
time.  After the stewardess left I pulled my jacket over
my head keeping a firm grip on alien.  Once I had alien
on my lap and the jacket over her.  I lifted the jacket up
to see her and give her some air.
There was a young boy next to me.  When he saw alien
he let out a short shriek.  He calmed down quickly but
didn't want to hold her.
The rest of the flight wasn't that bad.  I finally got home
and introduced alien to my wife she also fell in love
when she saw her.  She thought my battle was worth it.
I wouldn't do it again though.
Marc Jensen                      |                     [log in to unmask]
Rock Climbing,....Stick the jug  or go for big air,...life is better steeper
[Posted in FML issue 0690]