Hi everyone!
Someone asked recently whether ferrets act differently towards
different people, so I thought I would share an anecdote from last
My ferret , Slinky, had to make a trip to the vet to rule out the
possibility of a blockage.  My vet, who is good with animals, had to
hold Slink's head while he "felt around" in the gut area.  Slinky
wasn't happy, and wrigled, then turned and snapped at the vet.  He
asked me to hold Slinky's head, which I did (somewhat firmly) while he
completed the exam.  Slinky wasn't what you would call happy, but as
soon as I was holding him and talking to him he calmed right down and
allowed everything to go on.
We have also noticed that he will try to get away with some things with
Elin (my S.O.) that he has long learned not to try with me!
Remeber - as we say - "They're very bright, you know"!!
Best - Mason, Slinky, and Leila (the cat who has a new toy she loves,
so who cares if there is a ferret nearby!).
[Posted in FML issue 0711]