Hi all,
  I hope I can get this to go through, I am having alot of problems on AOL,
My letters are ruturning to me via Mr. Computer Postman!!
Even though I use the same Address every time, I Don't get it.
[My Internet provider is broken.]
Any way, Thanks to everyone who expressed interest in hearing part 2
of.."Robin Furo Hood and his merry Masketeer's".
and without "furo" ado here it is..................................
Part 2, "The Journey"
Sneaky as darkness the merry band joined into the night, and
well made plans were comitted to memmory.
Their quest with Robin was built on pure loyalty to him, and of course
a little bit of fun.
With skill and cunning they made their way, Each knew well every nook and
cranny of the "KittyCondo" caves and "ConduitTubing" tunnels.
Into the damp dark underground world they went, with slyness of a Ferret, Off
to go rescue Mhink Marion.
Robins heart beated madly in his chest. If all goes well he would be with his
Beloved soulmate very soon.
On and On into the night they crept like bandits, silently and unnoticed.
Soon the tower was is sight beyond a great wall that enclosed this New land,
It was very warm here, and qwiet, except for a strange chirping sound, It
seemed barren.
Qwite different from the lush lands of sheepwool forest.
Just one thing they had to beware of in this odd land....The dreaded "Sheriff
of nothing but Spam"; a large and awful beast with a strange head full of
teath, and another set of teath on each leg.
It seemed to Robin and his merry few that this sheriff had always been.  Many
a Folk Furo songs had been sung in its memmory, or in its fear.
After a breif huddle of chatter, the "Mask's" were donned, and the plan was
set into motion for the battle and the defeat of the sheriff.
With nerves of steel they approached the large gate, small talk and weak
smiles were exchanged between them, This was a Scary place to be, all knew
well if mistakes were made ~ They could be deadly ones.
Over a lump in his throat "Friar Tuck Furo" Boasted in his most jovial voice;
"When we succeed tonight, our kin will tell the story to future generation to
come, Of our Great deed, we will be the greatest Furo Hero's who ever
lived!!".  What a good thought, and maybe.............
The end of part 2,
Next...part 3, "The Battle".
Stay tuned, same time, same channel. :-)
Michelle and The MASKeteer's.
[Posted in FML issue 0710]