To Susan A. H. Benysh,
     My male ferret is descented.  Someone said that his
male ferret only rarely makes himself known.  You might
want to have him descented. I dunno ...
To ross: HA HA ha ... ROFLMAO ... My ferret stole my
         calculator case .. I never did find it either!
To [log in to unmask] - Original !! Let's hear the rest!!
To T*P <[log in to unmask]> John,
     I've had my ferret for over 7 years and he is just
not very affectionate.  At least as not as affectionate
as some other ferrets I've heard of.  I taught him to give
kisses and he will usually come when I call him ( it helps
if you speak their language .. u no .. Vftghtght and Kcht).
To Chris:  I suspect your guess about a whole whatever being
down for 5 days is a good one.  I tried to send my previous
response and it bounced back  (*Sorry, I didn't keep it!)
with some strange error number timed out or something or other.
So I just resent it and it stuck .. that is it showed up in the
next issue.
To [log in to unmask]: When my ferret caught a cold, he got an
   antibiotic from the vet.  I'll send you the duck soup if I can find
   it ...Hmm..can't seem to locate it .. Maybe someone else has it handy!
-=> Art The Human & Guy The Ferret
** Mmmm, Ferrets Like Cheriooooos **** Mmmm
( Chris - This is the 2nd time I send this .. 2day = 1/25. )
( I sent it 1/24 and never got am echo back .. just No Reply At All)
[Posted in FML issue 0710]