Hi everyone!
  I have a couple of things to write today but first..
To Nancy Hartman, I wish you and Bree the best of luck on Thursday, Look at
it this way, its harder on you because you know whats going on, Bree will
take a nap so to speak, and it will be all done. And I hope all will go well
Second, For any one who needs an Idea on how to secure bedding in Ferret
cages......No matter how well you keep your little Fuzzies nails trimed, they
often snag their bedding and it becomes the great
Snag and drag race to the litter box. Easy solution for Bryce,Pam,and Kittee,
and Jim Lapeyre who made a comment on this in a earlier Issue.......Simple
and cheap Solution.....Safety pins,
Take a couple of LARGE, safety pins hook them into the bedding and then to
the wire cage, But hook them on with the clasp part facing the outside of the
cage, incase it comes open, No sharp pointy things to get hurt on, Also do
not use the small ones because they tend to bend easy, and come undone, I
have never had the Big ones do that to me. The pins keep the bedding secure
and straight, and OUT OF THE LITTER BOX!  No matter if they want it there or
C-ya all.
Michelle and the MASKeteers.
[Posted in FML issue 0689]