To Anon re: ferrets catching colds.
Over x-mas break, our 3 fuzzies caught the flu from
my hubby and me.  It was heart-breaking to watch them
sneeze and cough and generally feel horrible.  So, my
solution (which I am not suggesting for anyone else,
due to the fact that this solution is not approved
or discredited by a vet).  o.k. I went to the pharmacy
and got Dimetapp for children (especially if there are
baby formulas, that is good).  I would only give them
about 3-4 drops on a spoon (they loved the grape
kool-aid flavor) with some linatone and nutri-cal.
The Dimetapp would put them to sleep and the the other
stuff would give them a boost to fight the cold.
After the first day, I noticed a difference, they felt
a lot better (and that was after 5-6 days of feeling
horrid).  I continued with this treatment for 3 days and
they got better.  I don't think that the Dimetapp did
anything more for them then allow them to have a good
nights sleep (which is all they really needed).
Good luck with your furries,
p.s. regarding the lost fuzzy.  Don't give up hope,
we thought that our boy was gone for good, when
3 days later he came out of the wall fater than when
he went in  :)  All our prayers.
From!!underwol Sun Jan 23 23:25:12 1994
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Hi all
        I've been getting the FML for about a month now, and I have
several requests for information.
1. I've been seeing references to a paper on adrenal problems.
        V'orri is getting worse very suddenly. He had actually
        been returning to something approaching normal ferret
        shape, but he looks like a pear, his hair is falling out
        again and you can see through skin in some places. HELP !
        I need info. What tests do we run, what will surgery entail,
        and most importantly, what is the success rate?
2. All the rest of his litter but one died from severe genetic defects.
        How might this affect his chances? He also had some serious problems
        as a kit, but none the less he turned into a hulk
3. In reference to genetic defects, has anyone else observed a problem
        with red sables ? V'orri's dad was a red sable and five out of seven
        in his litter died within 2 days. I bred both my females to the red
        male near the same time : my albino had two survive; but my silver
        [whose mother was a red sable] produced creatures so deformed they
        didn't even live an hour. I had her spayed, and the vet told me that
        her organs were healthy, her babies should have been OK. Frieda's
        brother had had a grade 6 heart murmur, and their mother [red] had
        died of either cardiac or respiratory arrest when I took her to
        be spayed. I've seen a lot of defects associated with that color,
        has anyone seen anything GOOD?
4. Last but definitely not least, I'm looking to acquire [adopt, purchase]
        a white female. Albino, black-eyed white, patern doesn't matter.
        I live near Albany NY and will travel as far south as DC area, and
        as far west as Rochester, if there is a real sweetheart available.
BTW, I haven't done any breeding since V'orri was born. After seeing what
Frieda produced, I decided NY was jinxed when it came to ferrets.
Thanx much
Janice, Dweezil V'orri, Frieda the furball and the rest of the zoo
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[Posted in FML issue 0707]