Daisy Lyn, what a good idea about the donation jar.
I'm sure the McDowell's would appreciate any amount you could
gather. How about a picture of a ferret and a little story to
go with it. Such as..."Hi, I'm representing my friend Longtail,
the ferret. His family, Mike & Rita McDowell really need your help.
Longtail is missing and the authorities are looking for him to
kill him. They will not give him a chance, they think he is
a bad ferret, but he isn't. Longtail's family is fighting
for his life and the rights of all other ferrets. His family
needs your help to keep on with this fight. Your donation will
greatly be appreciated...." Something to that effect. Thanks,
Daisy Lyn for your willingness to help.
To Cheryl Cato: Did Duncan get into something without you
knowing it? My ferrets' feces sometimes takes on the
color of whatever he ingested earlier that day or on the
previous night. When he eats sweet potatoes, his feces
are slightly orange.
     Could the yellow be from the popcorn? The hulls from
popcorn are undigestable. I would keep a watch on his
general health and bowel movements to be on the safe
side. If Duncan keeps having "strange" colored
stools I would contact a vet even if he/she doesn't
specialize in exotics. A good vet should still be able
to answer your questions and examine Duncan.
To Joanne about Charlie: It must be very hard for you
since you lost your three babies in such a short period
of time. There are no words to describe the grief you
must feel. I only hope that time will ease your pain
and fond and loving memories of your babies will
heal the ache in your heart. My thoughts are with you.
                               Judy, muzzy to six fuzzies.
[Posted in FML issue 0705]