Hello all!
Just a short, humorous anecdote:
This morning i reached under my bed into the "secret" corner where my baby
Beckett hides all of her toys; you can't see what's under there because of the
set-up.  I was expecting to grab one or two of her hoarded rubber playthings
so that I could put them back out for her to hide again (sounds futile, but
she enjoys it).  Instead I found a half of a toasted bagel!  Either she's
learned to use the toaster oven, or I gotta' watch my lunches more closely!
BTW, poor student that I am, I managed to send a small donation to the McDowell
family in KS for their court-costs.  I urge everyone to give what they can to
a couple of great people concerned for their fuzzies.
[Posted in FML issue 0702]