To Joanne : Our family sends their condolensces to your family
for Baby.  As of yet, we have not lost a ferret, but we did
have a scare back in December. We would just like you to know
you will be in all our prayers tonight.
And for all those looking for a new ferret to adopt:  Last
night we got a visit from the ferret-fairy and 3 new ones
landed in our back bedroom.  We are here at Purdue University
in Indiana and saw that a student in the CS dept. was trying
to sell his 3 ferrets (he had them for a year and did not have
the time for them anymore).  Well, he seemed to be in a mess
with his landlord as well, and I contacted him (of course).
Basically, I said that I would not mind babysitting them for
a month or two, until he could move.  Well, he said fine and
dropped them off.  And it turns out that he would like to find
new homes for them, because "I just don't have the time".
Well, fine, but I have never seen ferrets in such bad condition.
They stunk to high heaven and their fur was so coarse.  We gave
them two bathes and they are still dirty and smelly.  Apparently
he did not realize to bathe them in the past year.  Also, he did
not know anything about Linotone, treats, or good food for them (they
were eating some cheap cat food).  ALSO, the female is pregnant.
Gosh, what luck  !!!  :)
Anyways, I am excited about watching her give birth in February,
but we can not keep them for long.  The family consists of a fixed
male (very sweet, with extremely long toes!  we call him Freddie, and
he is a sweet cuddler), then there is the unfixed and quite manly
BIG BOY (he really is not that big, smaller than our fixed boy),
and finally a tiny female (who we are calling Daisy.  She has been
in heat and this will be her 4th litter this year.  Is this normal?!?)
They are all around 2 years old.  Anyone out there interested or
know of anyone who would like the brood?
We are getting them back on the healthy track
with Science Diet kitten food, Linatone, and will be giving them
Nutri-cal when we get it today.  We have given the boys 2 bathes
and the girl only 1 (we don't want to upset her too much).  Anyone
have any other suggestions on getting them healthy?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Susan, Darel and the fuzz-balls (Sparky, Roo, Boing and the new
ones -- Daisy, Freddie, and Big Boy)
[Posted in FML issue 0701]