Just thought I would share my little incident with you all.  I have 5
ferrets and one of them started to act sluggish so we took him to the
vet and he had to stay the night cause he had gotten a bit dehydrated
and needed fluids and they wanted to be sure he would start to eat again.
He had also started to vomit.  Well the next day we got a call telling
us he was fine now and had a bacterial infection in his intestine somehow
but it was resolved.  Well, just before we were going to leave to pick up
Silva I heard a funny noise in the office.  When I went to investigate
I found Raven another of our boys on the desk full of ink.  He had to
climb the side of two book cases and hope over to the desk to get there
but he did.  It turns out the ink was not a problem.  The brand we use is
water soluable and has nothing toxic in it.  But it looked like we were
going to exchange ferrets at the vet for a while.
These guys do keep one on there toes don't they.
[Posted in FML issue 0698]