From issue 694:
>ladies, gentlemen, and domestic mustelids, for your enjoyment and
>entertainment please allow me to present:
>     THE DARING YOUNG EMMETT  (tune: Man on the Flying Trapeze)
<ferret ditty deleted>
>p.s. ok, I've sent y'all mine, and I know some of you have your
>own, which I'd *love* to have (hint, hint. . .) thanx again!
I wish I could come up with things like that; all I can ever think up
are the titles, never the actual words. Like:
Ferret song:                    Based on:
------------                    ---------
Cassie MacWeasel                Lucy MacEvil, by Blood Sweat and Tears
Bud Makes Noise                 Blood Makes Noise, by (I think) Suzanne Vega
Stop Draggin' My Shoes Around   Stop Draggin' My Heart Around,
                                    by Tom Petty and Stevie Nicks
If anyone has any ferret-parodies I'd like to hear them too (also if anyone
has ideas for lyrics for the above :).
Re: wheezing/snoring ferrets:
     Bud also snores sometimes; it's sort of a wheezing sound, and can be
pretty loud. I usually just tickle his belly a little and say "Hey Bud, you're
snorin'", and he shifts position a little and stops :).
Re: ferret intolerance:
> I didn't get all the details, but I think she
>decided to leave shortly after the boys dumped an entire glass of
>water on her head!
Some people just have no sense of humor :).
> Does anyone else out there have
>any experience with ferret intolerant friends or relatives?
My family's split on the issue. Some think they're adorable and endlessly
amusing (mostly my nieces & nephews; in other words, the brighter family
members :), while some are mildly afraid of them (geez, one playful toe-
nibbling incident and they think they're killers!) or think they smell bad
(can you imagine? Personally I think Cassie smells beautiful :)
>My question is this:  am I being overly insensitive to the needs
>of my friends?
Seems to me your friends are being overly intolerant of your fuzzies! How
could anyone not love them once they get to know them anyway? :)
>I'd appreciate an objective opinion.
Oops, I guess I'm not the person to answer then :).
Might as well include a story while I'm posting. A while back I let Buddy
and Cassidy loose to play in the livingroom (they're usually confined to the
kitchen). I still had my Nativity set out for Christmas, with a DC power supply
sitting beside the TV to convert the wall power to a usable 3 volts for the
bulb in the Nativity set. At that time the power supply was turned off but
still plugged in. I was watching TV and noticed Bud poking his head out from
the corner beside the TV with 'that look' on his face. Sure enough, he was
having a pee, and was sitting right on top of the power supply! I got him
off there before anything 'shocking' happened :), but not before he had
wet down the supply pretty good. Sigh, ya sure gotta keep on your toes with
fuzzies around :)
John, Buddy, and Cassidy
[Posted in FML issue 0698]