My ferret Snoopy is looking for a friend to play with.  Snoop came from
a small pet store here at school.  I have had her almost one year now
and have had nothing but great experiences with her. The store's supplier
is a member of the United Ferret Organization (UFO) and ships these
ferrets fixed and descented, with a one year guarantee on the ferret's
health (once you are attached to your animal I can't understand how you
could stand to send it back anyway).
Is it a good idea to buy from these breeders?  I have heard so many stories
of dog breeders who breed specifically for looks (good coat, teeth, eyes)
but totally ignore respect for the genuine health of the animal.  These
breeders often inbreed, and on down the family tree the animals look great
but have HORRIBLE health problems!  Are some ferret breeders using these
tactics also?
Also, the pet store said that the ferrets are only 6 wks old upon arrival.
From the articles I have read I thought you shouldn't "fix" or descent
your ferret until 6 MONTHS of age.  Are there any risks in performing these
operations sooner?
Chris and Snoopy
[Posted in FML issue 0697]