My apologies to anyone who's read this on GEnie:
Does anyone else have ferrets who pee and poop =IN= the tub!!!???
This is new. What fun. I bathe them in the people tub too. Oh goodie. GAG!
I need a ferret break. Yes, it sounds horrible. But, I'm going through the
 legal battles of divorce, and closer to the losing ($$) am
 starting a new, I'm stressed
I could never let them go. Sheesh. They are so weet. When my ex took care of
 them...they learned SO many bad habits.....::sob::sob::
Well....once I get past the legal (and emotional) garbage of the <shudder>
 divorce stuff...and...if they'd just STOP messing everywhere....::sigh::...
I need to go take a deep breath. Maybe on the North Pole. Just me. And
 Rudolph. <g> And that dentist-elf. Hehehe! Yes, I've finally lost my
Before I die of guilt....has anyone else just 'needed a break' from time to
 time? Heck, I need a break from my kids once in a while too. But there are
 sitters for kids. <G> Not for fuzzy creatures. <g>
I just saw the CUTEST ferret card at the pet supply store! It was a black-
 footed one. It said that they usually occupied the space of thier prey.
 Maybe built a couple extra rooms. No kidding. It all made sense.....yep.
 It's pretty much what they are trying to do to me. ::GASP!:: <g>
                        Lin and the FFF 5...
                            (Ferret Freedom Fighters)
                        Bigfoot, the leader...
                        Foxy, the stealthy spy...
                        Nonni, the demolition expert...
                        Coco, the organizer...
                        Winnie, the go-between...
                        Me, the entertainment...and the victim...
                        Sarah, the undercover double spy...
                        Nichole, the ambassador..for the human-kind...
                        Baby the Britteny, the hostage...
                        Da Boid Cockatiel, Alarms and Ferret Raid Siren...
                        The Cats, enemy of thieves...
        .....watching for exploding tootsie-rolls.....
                         (One never knows)
                 ...and yellow teargas that is =always= found nearby...
[Posted in FML issue 0697]