To Nancy Hartman:  Thanks Nancy for keeping us updated on
Bree's surgery. What a stressful ordeal for both you and Bree!
It sounds like you had a very knowledgeable vet and with your
loving care and attention Bree should be just fine.
It is so disheartening to see our little ones so sick and
helpless. It helps to ease that pain when we can nurse and
smother our ferrets with love to aide in their recovery.
Bree is so lucky to have a person like you to watch over her.
Keep us informed of Bree's progress please!
I have also taken four of my older ferrets in for their
"geriatric" exams. "Geriatric" meaning care of the old.
It is hard to believe that when a ferret hits three years of
age it is considered to be older and more at risk for diseases.
Several of my oldies have health problems that will need constant
monitoring. Yes, we do keep the vets in business but it is for
a worthy cause.
To Kate Pappas: What rhythm, what rhyme, what a poet!
You described ferrets to a tee in a very artful way.
I wish I could say I had a poem just waiting to be
published, but alas it will take awhile for me to
come up with anything as clever as your "The Daring
Young Emmett." Anyone that has ever had the pleasure
of being owned by a ferret must have oodles of stories to
tell. Now if we can just put a little music and tempo
to those tales. Can anyone remember all the words to
"Man on the Flying Trapeze?" I can remember the first
line and that's it. Kate do you, or I am just showing my age?
To Ethan Cox: How horrible to find poor Ceili wrapped in
fishing wire. It is scarey how these little darlings can
get into anything. I have had several scares with my two
wild men. Just when I think I have outsmarted them, they
show me who's boss. You shouldn't feel bad if you have
to cage Ceili while you're away. It is certainly better to
make sure she is safe then have her go through the trauma
of being hurt again. In reference to the sleeping patterns,
my older (3 years and older) ferrets sleep a good 20 hours a day,
which is normal. My two one 1/2 year old ferrets have slowed
down somewhat from when they were babies. They seem to average
around 17-18 hours a day. At least that is what I have noticed
when I am not at work. I think it varies with every ferret.
As long as she does not seem in distress, out of breath, etc.
when she does play I wouldn't be too worried. She just enjoys
her beauty rest!
                                Got my hands and heart full
                                of ferrets, Judy Gallipeau
                                and the snoozing six.
[Posted in FML issue 0696]