Hi all...
I have a 12 week old male neutered ferret who has owned me about a month
now.  My concern is that he recently started "hacking", sometimes just an
isolated hack, at other times several in a row which sound like he has
something stuck in his throat.  It doesn't seem to happen at any particular
time, ie., it can be while he's in his cage and not exerting himself, or
while he's racing around with my other guy.  The only other thing of note is
that he frequently lays down for a few seconds, then resumes activity, when
he's running around with his cohort.  The other ferret doesn't do this, so
that's why its something I noted.
Otherwise, he's acting very frisky, eating well and otherwise normal.
Any theories out there?
Trying not to worry too much,
Tracy, Punk and Rock
[Posted in FML issue 0684]