> How come nobody likes my ferrets???????  Well, except for me and
> my SO, that is.
> decided to leave shortly after the boys dumped an entire glass of
> water on her head!  It's true, the couch was soaking wet!  Talk
> about a rude awakening.  I couldn't help but LOL at the thought!
        My ferret Sebastian did the same thing to me.  I fugured he
could never move this heavy liter beer mug full of water. NOT :-)
Thank god it didn't land on my head or I may never have servived. :0
> My question is this:  am I being overly insensitive to the needs
> of my friends?  BTW, I also have a cousin who refuses to come
> visit because of the furries.  Does anyone else out there have
> any experience with ferret intolerant friends or relatives?
        My mother won't come over and stay any more.  Now this could
be a good.:-) I refuse to lock up my ferrets unless I have a party.  Don't
want a drunken bum letting them outside by accedent or worse, stepped on.
I've had several girl friends since I've had my ferrets and not one had
a problem.  I guess they would rather harass me in bed in stead of some-
one who may just give them a wack.  They also don't seem to play as
rough with women as they do with me.  Maybe they know something I don't. :) :)
        If someone has a problem with my ferrets just don't come over.
My house is their house.  If you don't like dogs or a cats do you think
your friends are going to lock them up for the weekend?  I don't tink so.
:) :-)  I do keep my ferrets in a cage when I go over friends house for
the weekend.  I have no problem with this.  I don't think they would un-
derstand why all of a sudden there is ferret poop in one of the corners. I
guess you could aways say, "Sebastian thinks  you may have mice so he's
trying to get rid of them for you.  Isn't that mighty nice of him."
> Subject: Help!  My ferret's wheezing!
> I walked into the kitchen today and heard a really strange sound.  Turns out,
> it was one of my ferrets, wheezing in his sleep!  It was VERY loud...  He
        My ferret Mako snores some times while he's sleeping.  It's realy
not a wheezing sound but the first time I heard it I woke him up to see
if he was okay.  It's funny watching ferrets sleep when their dreaming.
A twitch here a cluck there.  I wounder what they dream about.  Maybe
a twenty pound stash of raisens, pilfered with out dad even seeing it.
Maybe even giving dad a bath and getting soap in his eyes as a pay back. :)
        Well I'm rambling on again so I guess it's time to say good day.
        Brad, Sebastian, and Mako.
[Posted in FML issue 0695]