To Effie Marie Hines concerning Loki:
        I'm sorry that Loki is going through this ordeal.  I can't remember
which type of cancer Loki has (I'm talking with so many people lately about
ferrets with tumors).  Animals with abdominal tumors often have fluid build up
in their abdomens.
        The black stolls that you are seeing are most likely the result of
gastric ulcers.  We see ulcers in stressed mustelids very commonly.  Normally,
with proper care, relief of stress, and some protective antibiotics and coating
agents, gastric ulcers can be overcome.  HOwever, the chances of doing this in
chronically ill animals is greatly reduced.
        Good luck with Loki, and keep us posted.
Bruce Williams, DVM
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[Posted in FML issue 0657]