To Susan Benysh -
        Lethargy in ferrets is a very non-specific sign which can be associated
with any number of environmental changes or disease states.  I have seen adding
ferrets to a household causing the ferrets who were already there to become
lethargic, as well as prolonged periods of owner absence, excessive caging, etc.
        There are also any number of disease states that can cause precipitous
lethargy - islet cell tumors, adrenal disease, heart problems, etc.  The
symptoms of cardiomyopathy, per your request are:  progressive weight loss and
lethargy.  Your vet will be able to see an enlarged heart and possibly fluid in
the lungs, as well as an increased size of the liver and spleen if he/she takes
an X-ray.
        My suggestion is a trip to the vet to see if you can narrow down the
list a bit....
Bruce Williams
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        To all members of the list...
        I will be out of town attending the American College of Veterinary
Pathologists' Conference in San Antonia from 4-11 Dec. 1993.  If you have email
or questions for me - please accept my apologies in advance for a tardy reply...
Bruce Willams
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[Posted in FML issue 0657]