I think you may have misunderstood some of the reasons why people
try to avoid MF ferrets. You are correct in saying these ferrets
are just as lovable and adoptable. What people are trying to avoid
is giving profit to a "ferret mill" of sorts. Avoiding this
type of breeder is done for some of the same reasons that people
try to avoid buying dogs from puppy mills(through pet stores).
These reasons include health concerns, discouraging breeding for profit, etc.
I don't think anyone ever meant to say those ferrets aren't as
lovable. I have owned a MF ferret in the past and would
do so again.......I think people just feel guilty encouraging the
large scale "ferret mill" operations. These types of operations send
ferrets to pet stores and usually these pet stores are worried about
profit, not about whether the ferret is going to a good home. This
means that the buyer doesn't get good information about care, etc, and often
the pet may end up in shelters.
The other side of the coin is responsible small scale breeders who questions
what homes their pets go to, and will take back the pet if the home
does not work out. This is not to say that all small scale breeders
are responsible. I am sure there is that element who are interested
in profit only. I know that is the case with dogs. They are just as
bad as a mill.
Anyway, that is my two cents. The people on this list love any ferret
and I highly doubt they would deny any ferret a home.
BTW, your letter came across as very chastising.
[Posted in FML issue 0656]