Just about a week ago my roommates girl friend let my little man
YO-YO out of his cage.  Needless to say she payed no attention to the
little guy and when my roommate came home YO-YO set out on his own.
(YO-YO sometimes hides by the door waiting for it to open)  After
countless hours of searching he was no where to be found.  And living
here in Pocatello, Idaho a hugh snow storm hit the following evening.
 I miss him very much and I am interested in getting a new one.  Here
in my city the ferrets cost $130.00 in the stores.  If there are any
breeders that have fair prices I will take two.  Please write to:
            [log in to unmask]      Michael Meehan-Idaho State U.
[Posted in FML issue 0675]