Last issue, Chris wrote....
>Rochelle has a ferret(s) and an iguana, how do they get along?
Well, they don't, really!  The iguana hates the ferrets, and they know
this...  so, they love to torment him!  Iguanas like being high up in
trees, where they can look down at everything.  So the ferrets, of
course, love to climb up his cage (a 3'x4'x3' thing, made of 1 in.
fencing) and stand on top of it, right above him.  Sicard (the iguana)
starts puffing up and hissing; the ferrets simply snuffle at him to annoy
him (knowing he can't touch them since the cage is between them!)
As for when the cage is NOT between them...  well, once Shadow (ferret
#1) discovered that we had left Sicard's cage door open a crack (at the
time, his cage was a glass store display counter) -- not enough for the
ferret to get in or the lizard to get out, but enough for a ferret paw to
get in and open the door further...  I was in the shower at the time.
All the sudden we heard CRACK!  CRACK!  CRACK!   we go rushing in, and
find Shadow huddling in the corner while Sicard tried to whip her with
his tail.  He kept hitting the glass instead of her, but she seemed
awfully scared, poor thing.  (Of course, she probably deserved it.  The
very first time they met, Shadow seemed to think Sicard was a big green
tennis ball with a tail, and went bounding towards him.  Lizards do not
like being bounded at.  He ran.  She said, "Great!  It wants to play
chase!"  Iguanas don't like to play chase, either....)
[Posted in FML issue 0656]