Three people so far have told me to go ahead and send the latest FAQ (1.0)
to the list in small pieces, and nobody has asked me not to.  That's not
exactly a quorum in a group this size, but unless the voting is skewed the
other way when I get back from vacation, I plan to start sending pieces
around January 8.  That way there won't be a big break in the continuity
while I'm out of town for three weeks.  Of course, I'm still glad to send
complete copies to anyone who asks.
Five days (in three segments) in a car with two rambunctious carpet sharks
doesn't sound like too much fun, but I'm sure looking forward to showing
them off to all the relatives!  Now, if Rusty would only get this roll-over
thing down pat in the next day... :-)
Happy holidays and best wishes for the new year to all the ferrets and their
human toys out there,
- Pam, Bob, Pixxel and Rusty
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[Posted in FML issue 0674]